Province of SCOTT COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of SCOTT COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Shakopee 39,656
28.4 28.4
Savage 29,399
21.1 49.5
Prior Lake 24,997
17.9 67.4
Belle Plaine city 6,892
4.9 72.4
Jordan 5,981
4.3 76.7
Credit River 5,412
3.9 80.5
New Prague 4,480
3.2 83.7
Elko New Market 4,472
3.2 87.0
Spring Lake 3,687
2.6 89.6
10° New Market 3,597
2.6 92.2
11° Cedar Lake 2,913
2.1 94.3
12° Helena 1,817
1.3 95.6
13° Jackson 1,651
1.2 96.7
14° Sand Creek 1,604
1.1 97.9
15° Louisville 1,258
0.9 98.8
16° Belle Plaine township 797
0.6 99.4
17° St. Lawrence 463
0.3 99.7
18° Blakeley 414
0.3 100.0
Total 139,490 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER