Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of REDWOOD COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Redwood Falls city 5,086
32.6 32.6
Morgan city 917
5.9 38.5
Lamberton city 821
5.3 43.8
Walnut Grove 797
5.1 48.9
Wabasso 674
4.3 53.2
Paxton 527
3.4 56.6
Sherman 387
2.5 59.1
Belview 366
2.3 61.5
Vesta city 314
2.0 63.5
10° Sanborn 282
1.8 65.3
11° Morgan township 263
1.7 67.0
12° Charlestown 257
1.6 68.6
13° Milroy 250
1.6 70.2
14° Willow Lake 249
1.6 71.8
15° Delhi township 243
1.6 73.4
16° Vesta township 230
1.5 74.9
17° Kintire 229
1.5 76.3
18° Brookville 218
1.4 77.7
19° Johnsonville 215
1.4 79.1
20° Sundown 209
1.3 80.5
21° Sheridan 196
1.3 81.7
22° Granite Rock 190
1.2 82.9
23° Waterbury 185
1.2 84.1
24° Springdale 184
1.2 85.3
25° Lamberton township 180
1.2 86.5
26° Swedes Forest 172
1.1 87.6
27° Redwood Falls township 170
1.1 88.7
28° Lucan 170
1.1 89.7
29° Clements 168
1.1 90.8
30° New Avon 168
1.1 91.9
31° Vail 165
1.1 93.0
32° North Hero 154
1.0 94.0
33° Westline 152
1.0 94.9
34° Gales 150
1.0 95.9
35° Underwood 146
0.9 96.8
36° Three Lakes 144
0.9 97.8
37° Revere 101
0.6 98.4
38° Honner 77
0.5 98.9
39° Wanda 66
0.4 99.3
40° Seaforth 65
0.4 99.7
41° Delhi city 41
0.3 100.0
Total 15,578 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER