Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of FILLMORE COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Spring Valley city 2,451
11.7 11.7
Rushford 1,940
9.3 21.0
Chatfield city 1,686
8.1 29.1
Preston city 1,383
6.6 35.7
Harmony city 1,005
4.8 40.5
Rushford Village 917
4.4 44.9
Mabel 774
3.7 48.6
Lanesboro 730
3.5 52.1
Canton township 549
2.6 54.8
10° Spring Valley township 547
2.6 57.4
11° Fillmore 498
2.4 59.8
12° Chatfield township 486
2.3 62.1
13° Harmony township 476
2.3 64.4
14° Bristol 461
2.2 66.6
15° Wykoff 433
2.1 68.7
16° Amherst 423
2.0 70.7
17° Sumner 405
1.9 72.6
18° Fountain township 398
1.9 74.5
19° Newburg 397
1.9 76.4
20° Fountain city 356
1.7 78.1
21° Jordan 354
1.7 79.8
22° Preston township 332
1.6 81.4
23° Norway 331
1.6 83.0
24° Carrolton 327
1.6 84.6
25° York 304
1.5 86.0
26° Carimona 302
1.4 87.5
27° Arendahl 299
1.4 88.9
28° Forestville 290
1.4 90.3
29° Pilot Mound 289
1.4 91.7
30° Canton city 283
1.4 93.0
31° Bloomfield 270
1.3 94.3
32° Holt 260
1.2 95.6
33° Ostrander 232
1.1 96.7
34° Beaver 231
1.1 97.8
35° Preble 207
1.0 98.8
36° Peterson 184
0.9 99.7
37° Whalan 67
0.3 100.0
Total 20,877 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER