Province of SCOTT COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of SCOTT COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Helena 3.40
Sand Creek 3.26
Cedar Lake 3.24
Jackson 3.23
Credit River 3.22
Belle Plaine city 3.17
Elko New Market 3.13
Louisville 3.11
Shakopee 3.08
10° St. Lawrence 3.03
Province of SCOTT COUNTY 2.96
11° Savage 2.95
12° Belle Plaine township 2.82
13° Jordan 2.76
14° New Market 2.76
15° Prior Lake 2.75
16° Spring Lake 2.72
17° New Prague 2.70
18° Blakeley 2.59

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER