Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of KITTSON COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Hallock city 1,018
22.9 22.9
Karlstad 756
17.0 40.0
Lancaster 387
8.7 48.7
Kennedy 256
5.8 54.5
Thompson 222
5.0 59.5
Lake Bronson 215
4.8 64.3
Deerwood 151
3.4 67.7
Poppleton 123
2.8 70.5
Norway 108
2.4 72.9
10° Hazelton 100
2.3 75.2
11° Jupiter 84
1.9 77.1
12° Richardville 80
1.8 78.9
13° Hallock township 80
1.8 80.7
14° Pelan 65
1.5 82.2
15° Percy 59
1.3 83.5
16° Clow 58
1.3 84.8
17° Granville 54
1.2 86.0
18° Spring Brook 54
1.2 87.2
19° Svea 52
1.2 88.4
20° Arveson 48
1.1 89.5
21° Halma 44
1.0 90.5
22° Caribou 43
1.0 91.5
23° South Red River 41
0.9 92.4
24° Teien 41
0.9 93.3
25° St. Vincent township 37
0.8 94.1
26° Skane 37
0.8 95.0
27° St. Vincent city 36
0.8 95.8
28° Tegner 33
0.7 96.5
29° Davis 26
0.6 97.1
30° St. Joseph 25
0.6 97.7
31° Humboldt 25
0.6 98.2
32° Hampden 24
0.5 98.8
33° McKinley 18
0.4 99.2
34° Donaldson 15
0.3 99.5
35° Cannon 13
0.3 99.8
36° Hill 4
0.1 99.9
37° Peatland 4
0.1 100.0
38° North Red River 0
0.0 100.0
39° Klondike 0
0.0 100.0
Total 4,436 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER