Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of MEEKER COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Litchfield city 6,667
28.9 28.9
Dassel city 1,490
6.5 35.3
Dassel township 1,402
6.1 41.4
Kingston township 1,300
5.6 47.0
Collinwood 1,195
5.2 52.2
Forest Prairie 1,008
4.4 56.6
Watkins 929
4.0 60.6
Litchfield township 868
3.8 64.3
Ellsworth 834
3.6 68.0
10° Greenleaf 731
3.2 71.1
11° Union Grove 645
2.8 73.9
12° Darwin township 637
2.8 76.7
13° Grove City 615
2.7 79.3
14° Manannah 562
2.4 81.8
15° Forest City 562
2.4 84.2
16° Eden Valley 504
2.2 86.4
17° Cosmos city 493
2.1 88.5
18° Cedar Mills township 439
1.9 90.4
19° Acton 406
1.8 92.2
20° Harvey 395
1.7 93.9
21° Swede Grove 345
1.5 95.4
22° Darwin city 342
1.5 96.9
23° Danielson 290
1.3 98.1
24° Cosmos township 219
0.9 99.1
25° Kingston city 170
0.7 99.8
26° Cedar Mills city 46
0.2 100.0
Total 23,094 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER