Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of KANDIYOHI COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Willmar city 19,641
46.2 46.2
New London township 2,936
6.9 53.1
Dovre 2,036
4.8 57.9
Green Lake 1,556
3.7 61.6
Spicer 1,309
3.1 64.6
New London city 1,267
3.0 67.6
Atwater 1,083
2.5 70.2
Lake Andrew 988
2.3 72.5
Irving 977
2.3 74.8
10° Raymond 687
1.6 76.4
11° Kandiyohi township 678
1.6 78.0
12° Willmar township 648
1.5 79.5
13° Colfax 618
1.5 81.0
14° Kandiyohi city 591
1.4 82.4
15° Harrison 580
1.4 83.7
16° Prinsburg 548
1.3 85.0
17° Pennock 537
1.3 86.3
18° Roseville 532
1.3 87.5
19° Whitefield 526
1.2 88.8
20° Burbank 481
1.1 89.9
21° Fahlun 425
1.0 90.9
22° Gennessee 407
1.0 91.9
23° Mamre 407
1.0 92.8
24° Roseland 395
0.9 93.7
25° Holland 379
0.9 94.6
26° St. Johns 354
0.8 95.5
27° Arctander 340
0.8 96.3
28° Norway Lake 257
0.6 96.9
29° Lake Lillian city 250
0.6 97.5
30° Edwards 238
0.6 98.0
31° East Lake Lillian 214
0.5 98.5
32° Lake Lillian township 207
0.5 99.0
33° Lake Elizabeth 188
0.4 99.5
34° Blomkest 104
0.2 99.7
35° Sunburg 76
0.2 99.9
36° Regal 50
0.1 100.0
Total 42,510 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER