Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of WINNEBAGO COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Oshkosh city 66,713
39.4 39.4
Neenah city 25,849
15.3 54.6
Menasha town 18,707
11.0 65.7
Menasha city 15,558
9.2 74.8
Algoma 7,010
4.1 79.0
Clayton 4,061
2.4 81.4
Omro city 3,556
2.1 83.5
Neenah town 3,341
2.0 85.4
Oshkosh town 2,968
1.8 87.2
10° Omro town 2,394
1.4 88.6
11° Winneconne village 2,382
1.4 90.0
12° Black Wolf 2,339
1.4 91.4
13° Winneconne town 2,173
1.3 92.7
14° Vinland 1,825
1.1 93.7
15° Rushford 1,716
1.0 94.8
16° Winchester 1,603
0.9 95.7
17° Nekimi 1,584
0.9 96.6
18° Utica 1,333
0.8 97.4
19° Poygan 1,323
0.8 98.2
20° Wolf River 1,217
0.7 98.9
21° Appleton 1,150
0.7 99.6
22° Nepeuskun 685
0.4 100.0
Total 169,487 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER