Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of FOND DU LAC COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Fond du Lac city 43,018
42.2 42.2
Ripon city 7,712
7.6 49.8
North Fond du Lac 5,020
4.9 54.7
Taycheedah 4,337
4.3 58.9
Fond du Lac town 3,500
3.4 62.4
Waupun city 3,471
3.4 65.8
Empire 2,815
2.8 68.5
Friendship 2,615
2.6 71.1
Auburn 2,284
2.2 73.3
10° Campbellsport 2,020
2.0 75.3
11° Lamartine 1,850
1.8 77.1
12° Osceola 1,773
1.7 78.9
13° Ashford 1,709
1.7 80.5
14° Byron 1,674
1.6 82.2
15° Eldorado 1,603
1.6 83.8
16° Calumet 1,554
1.5 85.3
17° Waupun town 1,330
1.3 86.6
18° Ripon town 1,327
1.3 87.9
19° Marshfield 1,134
1.1 89.0
20° Forest 1,104
1.1 90.1
21° Oakfield village 1,053
1.0 91.1
22° Eden town 1,044
1.0 92.1
23° Alto 1,037
1.0 93.2
24° Brandon 928
0.9 94.1
25° Rosendale village 899
0.9 94.9
26° Metomen 794
0.8 95.7
27° Oakfield town 791
0.8 96.5
28° Eden village 786
0.8 97.3
29° Rosendale town 716
0.7 98.0
30° Springvale 667
0.7 98.6
31° Mount Calvary 520
0.5 99.1
32° St. Cloud 504
0.5 99.6
33° Fairwater 379
0.4 100.0
34° Kewaskum 0
0.0 100.0
Total 101,968 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER