Province of GREEN COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of GREEN COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Monroe city 10,771
29.1 29.1
Brodhead 3,197
8.6 37.7
Exeter 2,273
6.1 43.8
New Glarus village 2,014
5.4 49.3
Decatur 1,644
4.4 53.7
New Glarus town 1,362
3.7 57.4
Monroe town 1,233
3.3 60.7
Albany village 1,225
3.3 64.0
Monticello 1,188
3.2 67.2
10° Jefferson 1,169
3.2 70.4
11° York 1,167
3.1 73.5
12° Brooklyn town 1,110
3.0 76.5
13° Clarno 1,104
3.0 79.5
14° Sylvester 1,018
2.7 82.3
15° Albany town 997
2.7 84.9
16° Spring Grove 891
2.4 87.3
17° Cadiz 839
2.3 89.6
18° Washington 822
2.2 91.8
19° Mount Pleasant 605
1.6 93.5
20° Jordan 575
1.6 95.0
21° Adams 560
1.5 96.5
22° Belleville 556
1.5 98.0
23° Brooklyn village 433
1.2 99.2
24° Browntown 297
0.8 100.0
Total 37,050 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER