Province of ADAMS COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of ADAMS COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Rome 2,699
13.3 13.3
New Chester 2,059
10.1 23.4
Adams city 1,659
8.2 31.6
Dell Prairie 1,523
7.5 39.1
Preston 1,472
7.3 46.4
Springville 1,328
6.5 52.9
Adams town 1,323
6.5 59.4
Quincy 1,248
6.1 65.6
Jackson 1,218
6.0 71.6
10° Strongs Prairie 1,098
5.4 77.0
11° Easton 958
4.7 81.7
12° Big Flats 861
4.2 86.0
13° Friendship 721
3.6 89.5
14° New Haven 614
3.0 92.5
15° Monroe 443
2.2 94.7
16° Lincoln 362
1.8 96.5
17° Leola 278
1.4 97.9
18° Colburn 260
1.3 99.2
19° Richfield 117
0.6 99.7
20° Wisconsin Dells 53
0.3 100.0
Total 20,294 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER