Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of BARRON COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Rice Lake city 8,343
18.3 18.3
Barron city 3,349
7.4 25.7
Rice Lake town 3,078
6.8 32.4
Stanley 2,545
5.6 38.0
Cumberland city 2,336
5.1 43.1
Chetek city 2,228
4.9 48.0
Cameron 2,029
4.5 52.5
Chetek town 1,663
3.7 56.1
Prairie Lake 1,467
3.2 59.4
10° Lakeland 1,020
2.2 61.6
11° Turtle Lake village 1,019
2.2 63.8
12° Cedar Lake 1,009
2.2 66.1
13° Oak Grove 930
2.0 68.1
14° Maple Grove 925
2.0 70.1
15° Crystal Lake 837
1.8 72.0
16° Cumberland town 806
1.8 73.7
17° Dovre 802
1.8 75.5
18° Barron town 753
1.7 77.1
19° Clinton 753
1.7 78.8
20° Sumner 753
1.7 80.5
21° Arland 742
1.6 82.1
22° Almena town 714
1.6 83.7
23° Maple Plain 695
1.5 85.2
24° Vance Creek 693
1.5 86.7
25° Bear Lake 681
1.5 88.2
26° Sioux Creek 673
1.5 89.7
27° Turtle Lake town 667
1.5 91.1
28° Almena village 643
1.4 92.5
29° Prairie Farm town 641
1.4 94.0
30° Stanfold 588
1.3 95.2
31° Dallas town 482
1.1 96.3
32° Prairie Farm village 473
1.0 97.3
33° Doyle 423
0.9 98.3
34° Dallas village 409
0.9 99.2
35° Haugen 356
0.8 99.9
36° New Auburn 23
0.1 100.0
Total 45,548 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER