Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of LAFAYETTE COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Darlington city 2,278
13.6 13.6
Shullsburg city 1,204
7.2 20.7
Darlington town 998
5.9 26.7
Belmont village 979
5.8 32.5
Benton village 971
5.8 38.3
Willow Springs 893
5.3 43.6
Argyle village 865
5.2 48.8
Wiota 855
5.1 53.8
Belmont town 721
4.3 58.1
10° Blanchardville 669
4.0 62.1
11° Kendall 528
3.1 65.3
12° New Diggings 521
3.1 68.4
13° Benton town 521
3.1 71.5
14° Elk Grove 513
3.1 74.5
15° Gratiot town 476
2.8 77.4
16° Wayne 465
2.8 80.1
17° Seymour 458
2.7 82.9
18° South Wayne 441
2.6 85.5
19° Argyle town 416
2.5 88.0
20° Fayette 381
2.3 90.2
21° Lamont 364
2.2 92.4
22° Shullsburg town 339
2.0 94.4
23° Gratiot village 229
1.4 95.8
24° Blanchard 225
1.3 97.1
25° Cuba City 214
1.3 98.4
26° Monticello 150
0.9 99.3
27° White Oak Springs 105
0.6 99.9
28° Hazel Green 14
0.1 100.0
Total 16,793 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER