Province of LINN COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of LINN COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Cedar Rapids 129,537
59.4 59.4
Marion 40,944
18.8 78.2
Monroe 13,003
6.0 84.1
Franklin 7,387
3.4 87.5
Fairfax 4,240
1.9 89.5
Putnam 3,346
1.5 91.0
Washington 3,233
1.5 92.5
Bertram 3,066
1.4 93.9
Brown 1,930
0.9 94.8
10° Maine 1,925
0.9 95.7
11° Jackson 1,545
0.7 96.4
12° Otter Creek 1,343
0.6 97.0
13° Fayette 1,319
0.6 97.6
14° Grant 1,207
0.6 98.1
15° Spring Grove 1,020
0.5 98.6
16° Linn 792
0.4 99.0
17° Clinton 656
0.3 99.3
18° Buffalo 541
0.2 99.5
19° College 523
0.2 99.8
20° Boulder 519
0.2 100.0
Total 218,076 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER