Province of LEE COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of LEE COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Keokuk 10,628
30.2 30.2
Madison 10,534
29.9 60.2
Jackson 2,192
6.2 66.4
Washington 1,669
4.7 71.1
Montrose 1,665
4.7 75.9
West Point 1,629
4.6 80.5
Franklin 1,360
3.9 84.4
Jefferson 1,233
3.5 87.9
Denmark 683
1.9 89.8
10° Charleston 662
1.9 91.7
11° Des Moines 646
1.8 93.5
12° Green Bay 456
1.3 94.8
13° Van Buren 416
1.2 96.0
14° Cedar 390
1.1 97.1
15° Harrison 386
1.1 98.2
16° Pleasant Ridge 321
0.9 99.1
17° Marion 302
0.9 100.0
Total 35,172 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER