Province of LINN COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of LINN COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Franklin 3.08
Putnam 3.00
Spring Grove 2.95
Fairfax 2.86
Otter Creek 2.78
Fayette 2.72
Grant 2.70
Washington 2.69
Bertram 2.64
10° Boulder 2.54
11° Marion 2.54
12° Linn 2.51
13° Jackson 2.48
Province of LINN COUNTY 2.48
14° Buffalo 2.46
15° Monroe 2.46
16° Maine 2.42
17° Cedar Rapids 2.40
18° Brown 2.32
19° Clinton 2.29
20° College 2.15

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER