Province of SWIFT COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of SWIFT COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Tara 3.23
Cashel 2.91
Pillsbury 2.75
Danvers 2.66
Six Mile Grove 2.62
Hayes 2.58
Benson township 2.55
De Graff 2.55
Torning 2.54
10° Dublin 2.53
11° Kerkhoven city 2.40
12° Murdock 2.39
13° Swenoda 2.38
14° Clontarf township 2.37
15° Kerkhoven township 2.34
16° Kildare 2.34
17° Appleton township 2.30
18° West Bank 2.28
Province of SWIFT COUNTY 2.27
19° Camp Lake 2.20
20° Hegbert 2.18
21° Moyer 2.18
22° Fairfield 2.18
23° Clontarf city 2.16
24° Benson city 2.15
25° Appleton city 2.13
26° Edison 2.07
27° Holloway 2.02
28° Marysland 2.00
29° Shible 1.97

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER