Province of Norrbottens län

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE AGE"
in Municipalities of Province of NORRBOTTENS LÄN
PMunicipalitiesAverage age
Övertorneå 50.84
Överkalix 50.16
Pajala 48.63
Arjeplog 47.77
Jokkmokk 47.22
Haparanda 46.92
Kalix 46.67
Arvidsjaur 45.68
Älvsbyn 44.82
10° Gällivare 44.58
11° Boden 44.22
Province of NORRBOTTENS LÄN 43.89
12° Piteå 43.45
13° Kiruna 42.34
14° Luleå 41.86

Age Classes: Fonte SCB
Population: Fonte SCB