Province of Norrbottens län

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Bachleors/Bachelorette"
in Municipalities of Province of NORRBOTTENS LÄN
PMunicipalitiesBachleor/Bachelorette Incidence
Gällivare 58.7
Kiruna 57.8
Luleå 56.8
Jokkmokk 54.7
Province of NORRBOTTENS LÄN 54.2
Boden 52.7
Arvidsjaur 52.3
Älvsbyn 51.7
Haparanda 51.6
Pajala 51.5
10° Piteå 51.0
11° Kalix 50.9
12° Arjeplog 49.5
13° Överkalix 49.3
14° Övertorneå 44.8

Civil Status: Fonte SCB
Population: Fonte SCB