Province of Norrbottens län

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of NORRBOTTENS LÄN
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Kiruna 2.06
Piteå 2.05
Älvsbyn 2.04
Province of NORRBOTTENS LÄN 2.00
Luleå 1.99
Boden 1.99
Kalix 1.97
Övertorneå 1.97
Pajala 1.96
Haparanda 1.96
10° Gällivare 1.94
11° Jokkmokk 1.94
12° Arjeplog 1.90
13° Arvidsjaur 1.90
14° Överkalix 1.88

Families: Fonte SCB
Population: Fonte SCB