Province of Ferrara

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE AGE"
in Municipalities of Province of FERRARA
PMunicipalitiesAverage age
Jolanda di Savoia 52.85
Riva del Po 52.57
Ostellato 52.28
Copparo 52.24
Codigoro 51.76
Fiscaglia 51.46
Voghiera 51.40
Mesola 51.32
Tresignana 50.43
10° Masi Torello 50.31
11° Comacchio 49.76
12° Goro 49.71
13° Bondeno 49.26
14° Lagosanto 49.16
15° Ferrara 49.09
Province of FERRARA 49.07
16° Argenta 49.05
17° Portomaggiore 48.57
18° Vigarano Mainarda 47.34
19° Terre del Reno 46.86
20° Poggio Renatico 45.75
21° Cento 45.10

Age Classes: Fonte ISTAT
Population: Fonte ISTAT