Province of Wahlkreis sursee

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC DENSITY"
in Municipalities of Province of WAHLKREIS SURSEE
PMunicipalitiesDemographic density
(N° inhabitants Km²)
Sursee 1,796
Oberkirch 542
Büron 513
Sempach 471
Schenkon 458
Geuensee 447
Nottwil 400
Hildisrieden 347
Rickenbach (LU) 297
10° Neuenkirch 282
Province of WAHLKREIS SURSEE 282
11° Eich 271
12° Knutwil 237
13° Mauensee 214
14° Triengen 212
15° Buttisholz 200
16° Grosswangen 165
17° Beromünster 158
18° Ruswil 158
19° Schlierbach 131

Surface (Km2): Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat
Population: Fonte BFS