Province of Wahlkreis sursee

Ranking and Thematic mapof "GROWTH RATE"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of WAHLKREIS SURSEE
PMunicipalitiesGrowth rate
Mauensee 31.9
Büron 25.6
Knutwil 23.2
Rickenbach (LU) 18.7
Schenkon 15.5
Oberkirch 15.4
Ruswil 14.3
Triengen 12.6
Nottwil 10.0
10° Schlierbach 8.6
Province of WAHLKREIS SURSEE 8.0
11° Eich 6.2
12° Beromünster 6.1
13° Geuensee 5.2
14° Buttisholz 4.8
15° Hildisrieden 2.9
16° Neuenkirch 2.8
17° Sursee 2.0
18° Sempach -11.5
19° Grosswangen -12.0

  1. ^ Growth rate = Birth rate - Death rate + Migration rate
Births: Fonte BFS
Natural Balance: Fonte BFS
Migration balance: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS