Region Aargau

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC DENSITY"
in Provinces of Region of AARGAU
PProvincesDemographic density
(N° inhabitants Km²)
Bezirk Baden 961
Bezirk Aarau 778
Bezirk Bremgarten 684
Bezirk Lenzburg 647
Bezirk Zofingen 529
Region AARGAU 501
Bezirk Rheinfelden 434
Bezirk Kulm 433
Bezirk Brugg 354
Bezirk Zurzach 276
10° Bezirk Muri 273
11° Bezirk Laufenburg 219

Surface (Km2): Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat
Population: Fonte BFS