Province of Bezirk liestal

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC DENSITY"
in Municipalities of Province of BEZIRK LIESTAL
PMunicipalitiesDemographic density
(N° inhabitants Km²)
Pratteln 1,537
Frenkendorf 1,410
Lausen 1,025
Füllinsdorf 1,001
Giebenach 836
Liestal 830
Province of BEZIRK LIESTAL 723
Augst 648
Lupsingen 476
Bubendorf 403
10° Seltisberg 363
11° Ramlinsburg 324
12° Hersberg 211
13° Ziefen 211
14° Arisdorf 170

Surface (Km2): Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat
Population: Fonte BFS