Province of Bezirk liestal

Ranking and Thematic mapof "GROWTH RATE"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of BEZIRK LIESTAL
PMunicipalitiesGrowth rate
Lausen 45.4
Giebenach 28.6
Lupsingen 23.7
Liestal 20.8
Füllinsdorf 13.9
Ramlinsburg 11.0
Province of BEZIRK LIESTAL 8.8
Hersberg 8.5
Arisdorf 4.7
Ziefen 3.7
10° Bubendorf 1.4
11° Frenkendorf 0.3
12° Pratteln -9.7
13° Seltisberg -10.8
14° Augst -16.3

  1. ^ Growth rate = Birth rate - Death rate + Migration rate
Births: Fonte BFS
Natural Balance: Fonte BFS
Migration balance: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS