
Province of Roraima

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of RORAIMA
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Boa Vista 419,652
66.5 66.5
Rorainópolis 30,782
4.9 71.4
Caracaraí 22,283
3.5 74.9
Pacaraima 18,913
3.0 77.9
Cantá 18,799
3.0 80.9
Mucajaí 18,172
2.9 83.7
Alto Alegre 15,380
2.4 86.2
Amajari 13,185
2.1 88.3
Bonfim 12,557
2.0 90.3
10° Iracema 12,296
1.9 92.2
11° Normandia 11,532
1.8 94.0
12° Uiramutã 10,789
1.7 95.7
13° Caroebe 10,383
1.6 97.4
14° São João da Baliza 8,348
1.3 98.7
15° São Luiz 8,110
1.3 100.0
Total 631,181 100.0 -

Population: Fonte IBGE