
Province of Roraima

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE AGE"
in Municipalities of Province of RORAIMA
PMunicipalitiesAverage age
São Luiz 0.00
Normandia 0.00
Caroebe 0.00
Amajari 0.00
Alto Alegre 0.00
Mucajaí 0.00
Caracaraí 0.00
Pacaraima 0.00
Cantá 0.00
10° Boa Vista 0.00
11° Bonfim 0.00
12° Iracema 0.00
13° São João da Baliza 0.00
14° Rorainópolis 0.00
15° Uiramutã 0.00
Province of RORAIMA 0.00

Age Classes: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati IBGE
Population: Fonte IBGE