
Province of Amapá

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of AMAPÁ
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Macapá 512,902
59.5 59.5
Santana 123,096
14.3 73.8
Laranjal do Jari 51,362
6.0 79.8
Oiapoque 27,906
3.2 83.0
Porto Grande 22,452
2.6 85.6
Mazagão 22,053
2.6 88.2
Tartarugalzinho 17,769
2.1 90.2
Pedra Branca do Amapari 17,067
2.0 92.2
Vitória do Jari 16,254
1.9 94.1
10° Calçoene 11,306
1.3 95.4
11° Amapá 9,187
1.1 96.5
12° Ferreira Gomes 7,967
0.9 97.4
13° Cutias 6,101
0.7 98.1
14° Itaubal 5,617
0.7 98.8
15° Serra do Navio 5,488
0.6 99.4
16° Pracuúba 5,246
0.6 100.0
Total 861,773 100.0 -

Population: Fonte IBGE