
Province of Amapá

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC DENSITY"
in Municipalities of Province of AMAPÁ
PMunicipalitiesDemographic density
(N° inhabitants Km²)
Macapá 78
Santana 77
Vitória do Jari 7
Province of AMAPÁ 6
Porto Grande 5
Itaubal 3
Cutias 3
Tartarugalzinho 3
Pedra Branca do Amapari 2
Mazagão 2
10° Laranjal do Jari 2
11° Ferreira Gomes 2
12° Oiapoque 1
13° Amapá 1
14° Pracuúba 1
15° Calçoene 1
16° Serra do Navio 1

Surface (Km2): Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat
Population: Fonte IBGE