
Province of WAYNE COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of WAYNE COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Grover 3,693
22.4 22.4
Jasper 1,755
10.6 33.0
Big Mound 1,675
10.1 43.1
Lamard 1,620
9.8 52.9
Orel 1,522
9.2 62.1
Bedford 951
5.8 67.9
Orchard 871
5.3 73.2
Indian Prairie 768
4.6 77.8
Four Mile 536
3.2 81.1
10° Barnhill 511
3.1 84.2
11° Leech 436
2.6 86.8
12° Arrington 419
2.5 89.3
13° Mount Erie 349
2.1 91.5
14° Keith 344
2.1 93.5
15° Hickory Hill 341
2.1 95.6
16° Berry 269
1.6 97.2
17° Elm River 140
0.8 98.1
18° Garden Hill 125
0.8 98.8
19° Massilon 97
0.6 99.4
20° Zif 95
0.6 100.0
Total 16,517 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER