
Province of ADAMS COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of ADAMS COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Quincy 40,689
60.8 60.8
Melrose 5,669
8.5 69.2
Ellington 2,844
4.2 73.5
Payson 2,135
3.2 76.7
Riverside 2,107
3.1 79.8
Camp Point 1,642
2.5 82.3
Liberty 1,411
2.1 84.4
Mendon 1,351
2.0 86.4
Gilmer 1,058
1.6 88.0
10° Ursa 1,049
1.6 89.6
11° Honey Creek 837
1.3 90.8
12° Northeast 826
1.2 92.0
13° Burton 824
1.2 93.3
14° Clayton 813
1.2 94.5
15° Fall Creek 785
1.2 95.7
16° Beverly 698
1.0 96.7
17° Keene 609
0.9 97.6
18° Lima 477
0.7 98.3
19° Columbus 423
0.6 99.0
20° Richfield 310
0.5 99.4
21° Concord 215
0.3 99.7
22° Houston 155
0.2 100.0
23° McKee 22
0.0 100.0
Total 66,949 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER