Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of TUSCOLA COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Indianfields 7,083
13.0 13.0
Millington 4,233
7.8 20.8
Vassar township 3,955
7.3 28.1
Elkland 3,437
6.3 34.4
Fremont 3,216
5.9 40.3
Arbela 2,982
5.5 45.8
Denmark 2,970
5.5 51.3
Vassar city 2,627
4.8 56.1
Tuscola 2,197
4.0 60.1
10° Watertown 2,131
3.9 64.1
11° Almer 2,108
3.9 67.9
12° Wells 1,709
3.1 71.1
13° Dayton 1,699
3.1 74.2
14° Juniata 1,617
3.0 77.2
15° Koylton 1,581
2.9 80.1
16° Fairgrove 1,560
2.9 83.0
17° Kingston 1,543
2.8 85.8
18° Akron 1,543
2.8 88.6
19° Ellington 1,353
2.5 91.1
20° Novesta 1,328
2.4 93.6
21° Columbia 1,117
2.1 95.6
22° Elmwood 928
1.7 97.3
23° Gilford 872
1.6 98.9
24° Wisner 585
1.1 100.0
Total 54,374 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER