Province of BAY COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of BAY COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Bay City 34,110
32.1 32.1
Bangor 14,358
13.5 45.7
Monitor 10,617
10.0 55.7
Hampton 9,521
9.0 64.7
Williams 4,851
4.6 69.2
Kawkawlin 4,764
4.5 73.7
Frankenlust 3,562
3.4 77.1
Essexville 3,418
3.2 80.3
Portsmouth 3,239
3.1 83.3
10° Fraser 3,145
3.0 86.3
11° Beaver 2,849
2.7 89.0
12° Pinconning township 2,374
2.2 91.2
13° Auburn 1,935
1.8 93.1
14° Garfield 1,785
1.7 94.7
15° Mount Forest 1,586
1.5 96.2
16° Pinconning city 1,481
1.4 97.6
17° Merritt 1,198
1.1 98.8
18° Gibson 1,147
1.1 99.8
19° Midland 167
0.2 100.0
Total 106,107 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER