Province of NOBLE COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of NOBLE COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Olive 5,814
40.3 40.3
Noble 2,150
14.9 55.2
Center 1,072
7.4 62.6
Buffalo 785
5.4 68.1
Beaver 736
5.1 73.2
Seneca 717
5.0 78.1
Marion 521
3.6 81.7
Elk 468
3.2 85.0
Wayne 453
3.1 88.1
10° Enoch 426
3.0 91.1
11° Jefferson 344
2.4 93.5
12° Jackson 327
2.3 95.7
13° Sharon 288
2.0 97.7
14° Stock 229
1.6 99.3
15° Brookfield 99
0.7 100.0
Total 14,429 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER