Province of MIAMI COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of MIAMI COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Concord 30,816
29.7 29.7
Piqua 20,743
20.0 49.6
Monroe 15,790
15.2 64.8
Union township 10,000
9.6 74.5
Newberry 6,519
6.3 80.7
Bethel 4,906
4.7 85.5
Newton 3,439
3.3 88.8
Staunton 2,106
2.0 90.8
Springcreek 2,029
2.0 92.8
10° Huber Heights 1,738
1.7 94.4
11° Lostcreek 1,623
1.6 96.0
12° Elizabeth 1,530
1.5 97.5
13° Brown 1,383
1.3 98.8
14° Washington 1,242
1.2 100.0
15° Union city 0
0.0 100.0
Total 103,864 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER