Province of Rogaland

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of ROGALAND
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Stavanger 143,574
29.9 29.9
Sandnes 79,537
16.6 46.5
Karmøy 42,186
8.8 55.3
Haugesund 37,357
7.8 63.1
Sola 27,153
5.7 68.7
Klepp 19,588
4.1 72.8
4.0 76.8
Time 18,916
3.9 80.7
Eigersund 14,811
3.1 83.8
10° Strand 12,968
2.7 86.5
11° Gjesdal 12,002
2.5 89.0
12° Randaberg 11,221
2.3 91.3
13° Tysvær 11,065
2.3 93.6
14° Vindafjord 8,714
1.8 95.5
15° Sauda 4,595
1.0 96.4
16° Suldal 3,804
0.8 97.2
17° Sokndal 3,280
0.7 97.9
18° Lund 3,202
0.7 98.6
19° Bjerkreim 2,787
0.6 99.1
20° Hjelmeland 2,574
0.5 99.7
21° Bokn 852
0.2 99.9
22° Kvitsøy 517
0.1 100.0
23° Utsira 198
0.0 100.0
Total 479,892 100.0 -

Population: Fonte SSB