Province of Rogaland

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC DENSITY"
in Municipalities of Province of ROGALAND
PMunicipalitiesDemographic density
(N° inhabitants Km²)
Stavanger 608
Haugesund 532
Randaberg 419
Sola 351
Karmøy 182
Kvitsøy 174
Klepp 172
Time 103
10° Sandnes 67
11° Strand 50
Province of ROGALAND 48
12° Utsira 33
13° Eigersund 30
14° Tysvær 21
15° Gjesdal 19
16° Bokn 19
17° Vindafjord 13
18° Sokndal 11
19° Sauda 8
20° Lund 8
21° Bjerkreim 4
22° Hjelmeland 2
23° Suldal 2

Surface (Km2): Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat
Population: Fonte SSB