Municipality of Morbegno

Resident families and related trend, the average number of members of the family and its related trend, civil status: bachleors/Bachelorette, married, divorced and widows / widowers in Municipality of MORBEGNO

Civil Status (Year 2022)
Civil Status(n.)%
Bachelors 2,885 23.53
Bachelorette 2,461 20.07
Married Males 2,671 21.78
Married Females 2,734 22.30
Divorced Males 203 1.66
Divorced Females 323 2.63
Widowers 172 1.40
Widows 812 6.62
Total Residents 12,261 100.00
Families trend
YearFamilies (N.)Variation % on previous yearAverage components
2017 5,424 - 2.29
2018 5,464 +0.74 2.28
2019 5,543 +1.45 2.25
2020 5,554 +0.20 2.20
2021 5,597 +0.77 2.18
2022 5,636 +0.70 2.18
Average annual variation (2017/2022): +0.77
Average annual variation (2019/2022): +0.56
(Year 2022)
Families: Fonte ISTAT
Civil Status: Fonte ISTAT

Rankings Municipality of morbegno

  • is on 4755° place among 7896 municipalities for average number of components of the family
  • is on 2420° place among 7896 municipalities per % Bachelors/Bachelorette
  • is on 1897° place among 7896 municipalities per % Divorced Males/ Divorced Females
  • is on 3841° place among 7896 municipalities per % Widows ( Male/Female )
  • Arzo
  • Campovico
  • Categno
  • Cerido
  • Cermeledo
  • Desco
  • Monte Legnone
  • Paniga
  • Porcido
  • San Bello
  • Selvapiana
  • Torchi Bianchi
  • Valle-Campoerbolo
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