Province of Pistoia

Ranking and Thematic mapof "FOREIGNERS GROWTH RATE"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of PISTOIA
PMunicipalitiesForeigns Growth rate
Sambuca Pistoiese 118.6
Marliana 103.8
Pieve a Nievole 83.7
Montecatini-Terme 70.5
San Marcello Piteglio 49.5
Lamporecchio 36.9
Buggiano 36.2
Massa e Cozzile 34.0
Pescia 33.5
10° Ponte Buggianese 31.2
Province of PISTOIA 30.1
11° Serravalle Pistoiese 28.4
12° Monsummano Terme 21.5
13° Chiesina Uzzanese 19.3
14° Pistoia 17.1
15° Quarrata 15.4
16° Agliana 13.5
17° Uzzano 0.0
18° Larciano -15.3
19° Montale -25.8
20° Abetone Cutigliano -53.2

  1. ^ Foreigners Growth rate = Foreigners Birth rate - Foreigners Death rate + Foreigners Migration rate
Foreign born: Fonte ISTAT
Foreign Natural Balance: Fonte ISTAT
Foreign migration balance: Fonte ISTAT
Foreigners: Fonte ISTAT