Province of Latina

Ranking and Thematic mapof "FOREIGNERS GROWTH RATE"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of LATINA
PMunicipalitiesForeigns Growth rate
Campodimele 333.3
Spigno Saturnia 271.2
Roccasecca dei Volsci 193.5
Bassiano 92.6
Terracina 84.9
Formia 78.7
Minturno 66.9
Lenola 66.7
Ponza 64.5
10° Pontinia 58.6
11° Fondi 50.0
12° Gaeta 49.1
13° Monte San Biagio 48.4
14° Latina 43.3
15° Itri 42.9
16° Sermoneta 38.4
17° San Felice Circeo 32.6
18° Priverno 31.9
Province of LATINA 31.7
19° Roccagorga 28.7
20° Sezze 25.8
21° Cori 25.3
22° Aprilia 23.6
23° Sonnino 22.8
24° Norma 9.6
25° Sperlonga 0.0
26° Santi Cosma e Damiano -9.3
27° Maenza -27.8
28° Castelforte -28.8
29° Cisterna di Latina -43.4
30° Sabaudia -65.7
31° Rocca Massima -94.1
32° Ventotene -133.3
33° Prossedi -179.5

  1. ^ Foreigners Growth rate = Foreigners Birth rate - Foreigners Death rate + Foreigners Migration rate
Foreign born: Fonte ISTAT
Foreign Natural Balance: Fonte ISTAT
Foreign migration balance: Fonte ISTAT
Foreigners: Fonte ISTAT