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Province of SOMME

Municipality of Marlers

Resident population and its related trend, balance of nature and migratory balance, birth rate, death rate, growth rate and migration ratein Municipality of MARLERS

Inhabitants trend
YearInhabitants (N.)Variation % on previous year
2014 141 -
2015 139 -1.42
2016 139 +0.00
2017 141 +1.44
2018 143 +1.42
2019 144 +0.70
Average annual variation (2014/2019): +0.42
Average annual variation (2016/2019): +1.18
  1. ^ Natural balance = Births - Deaths
  2. ^ Migration balance = Registered - Deleted
  3. ^ Total balance = Balance of nature + Migration balance
  4. ^ Birth rate = (Births / average Inhabitants) * 1,000
  5. ^ Death rate = (Deaths / average Inhabitants)* 1,000
  6. ^ Migration rate = (Migration balance / average Inhabitants ) * 1,000
  7. ^ Growth rate = Birth rate - Death rate + Migration rate
Population: Fonte INSEE
Births: Fonte INSEE
Natural Balance: Fonte INSEE
Registered: Fonte INSEE

Rankings Municipality of marlers

  • Birth rate[4]: 0.0‰ ( 30169° place among 34956 municipalities)
  • Death rate[5]: 6.9‰ ( 20369° place among 34956 municipalities)
  • Migration rate[6]: 0.0‰ ( 5945° place among 34956 municipalities)
  • Growth rate[7]: -6.9‰ ( 27307° place among 34956 municipalities)
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