Province of Pohjois-karjala

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE AGE"
in Municipalities of Province of POHJOIS-KARJALA
PMunicipalitiesAverage age
Rääkkylä 53.42
Ilomantsi 53.32
Juuka 52.06
Lieksa 51.55
Valtimo 50.84
Kitee 50.41
Nurmes 49.78
Tohmajärvi 48.85
Polvijärvi 48.46
10° Outokumpu 46.66
Province of POHJOIS-KARJALA 44.61
11° Liperi 42.14
12° Joensuu 41.66
13° Kontiolahti 38.53

Age Classes: Fonte Statistics Finland
Population: Fonte Statistics Finland