Province of Pohjois-karjala

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of POHJOIS-KARJALA
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Valtimo 3.87
Joensuu 3.86
Outokumpu 3.75
Juuka 3.74
Province of POHJOIS-KARJALA 3.74
Nurmes 3.73
Lieksa 3.72
Polvijärvi 3.66
Ilomantsi 3.61
Liperi 3.58
10° Kitee 3.57
11° Rääkkylä 3.57
12° Tohmajärvi 3.55
13° Kontiolahti 3.53

Families: Fonte Statistical Finland
Population: Fonte Statistics Finland