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Province of BARCELONA

Municipality of Berga

Age classes per gender and related impact, average age and old-age index in Municipality of BERGA

Population by age (Year 2022)
0 - 2 age 161 1.92 149 1.73 310 1.82
3 - 5 age 203 2.42 182 2.11 385 2.27
6 - 11 age 494 5.90 464 5.38 958 5.64
12 - 17 age 584 6.98 495 5.74 1,079 6.35
18 - 24 age 665 7.94 629 7.30 1,294 7.61
25 - 34 age 1,009 12.05 839 9.73 1,848 10.87
35 - 44 age 1,142 13.64 1,092 12.67 2,234 13.15
45 - 54 age 1,253 14.97 1,255 14.56 2,508 14.76
55 - 64 age 1,209 14.44 1,268 14.71 2,477 14.58
65 - 74 age 884 10.56 1,039 12.05 1,923 11.32
75 e più 768 9.17 1,210 14.03 1,978 11.64
Total 8,372 100.00 8,622 100.00 16,994 100.00
AGE CLASSES (Year 2022)
Average age and old-age index (Year 2022)
Average age (Years) 43.08 46.90 45.02
Old-age index[1] - - 176.76
  1. ^ Old-age index = (Inhabitants > 65 years old / Inhabitants 0-14 years old) * 100
Age Classes: Fonte INE

Rankings Municipality of berga

  • is on 5902° place among 8132 municipalities per average age
  • is on 5323° place among 8132 municipalities per old-age index
  • is on 2252° place among 8132 municipalities per % inhabitants < 15 years old
  • is on 5462° place among 8132 municipalities per % inhabitants > 64 years old
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