Province of Huila

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of HUILA
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Neiva 375,660
32.3 32.3
Pitalito 132,521
11.4 43.6
Garzón 76,848
6.6 50.2
La Plata 64,880
5.6 55.8
San Agustín 35,116
3.0 58.8
Campoalegre 32,709
2.8 61.6
Palermo 27,896
2.4 64.0
Isnos 26,867
2.3 66.3
Acevedo 26,455
2.3 68.6
10° Gigante 25,988
2.2 70.8
11° Rivera 25,855
2.2 73.1
12° Algeciras 23,742
2.0 75.1
13° Suaza 23,300
2.0 77.1
14° Timaná 23,101
2.0 79.1
15° Guadalupe 19,032
1.6 80.7
16° Tarqui 18,555
1.6 82.3
17° Aipe 17,134
1.5 83.8
18° Pital 14,623
1.3 85.0
19° La Argentina 13,714
1.2 86.2
20° Tello 12,444
1.1 87.3
21° Oporapa 12,400
1.1 88.4
22° Palestina 11,918
1.0 89.4
23° Tesalia 11,318
1.0 90.3
24° Saladoblanco 11,124
1.0 91.3
25° Santa María 11,022
0.9 92.3
26° Íquira 9,826
0.8 93.1
27° Agrado 9,282
0.8 93.9
28° Baraya 8,758
0.8 94.6
29° Teruel 8,486
0.7 95.4
30° Yaguará 8,133
0.7 96.1
31° Villavieja 7,680
0.7 96.7
32° Hobo 7,657
0.7 97.4
33° Colombia 7,591
0.7 98.0
34° Paicol 6,992
0.6 98.6
35° Nátaga 6,867
0.6 99.2
36° Altamira 4,504
0.4 99.6
37° Elías 4,465
0.4 100.0
Total 1,164,463 100.0 -

Population: Fonte DANE