Province of Huila

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "FOREIGNERS INCIDENCE"
in Municipalities of Province of HUILA
Íquira 19.2
Nátaga 8.9
Santa María 8.1
La Argentina 7.2
La Plata 6.5
Palestina 3.9
Villavieja 2.9
San Agustín 2.8
Pitalito 2.1
10° Isnos 2.0
Province of HUILA 1.7
11° Timaná 1.5
12° Rivera 1.5
13° Acevedo 1.4
14° Paicol 1.3
15° Tello 1.0
16° Neiva 1.0
17° Tesalia 0.8
18° Tarqui 0.7
19° Teruel 0.7
20° Palermo 0.7
21° Hobo 0.7
22° Campoalegre 0.5
23° Agrado 0.5
24° Garzón 0.5
25° Gigante 0.5
26° Saladoblanco 0.4
27° Baraya 0.4
28° Elías 0.3
29° Guadalupe 0.3
30° Pital 0.3
31° Yaguará 0.3
32° Oporapa 0.3
33° Aipe 0.2
34° Altamira 0.2
35° Algeciras 0.2
36° Suaza 0.1
37° Colombia 0.1

Foreigners: Fonte DANE
Population: Fonte DANE