Region Jura

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Region of JURA
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Delémont 12,479
16.9 16.9
Haute-Sorne 7,261
9.8 26.7
Porrentruy 6,466
8.8 35.5
Courrendlin 3,728
5.1 40.6
Courroux 3,345
4.5 45.1
Val Terbi 3,229
4.4 49.5
Courtételle 2,652
3.6 53.1
Saignelégier 2,580
3.5 56.6
Courgenay 2,412
3.3 59.8
10° Le Noirmont 1,909
2.6 62.4
11° Alle 1,891
2.6 65.0
12° Fontenais 1,697
2.3 67.3
13° Les Breuleux 1,506
2.0 69.3
14° Develier 1,359
1.8 71.2
15° Clos du Doubs 1,284
1.7 72.9
16° Les Bois 1,270
1.7 74.6
17° Basse-Allaine 1,225
1.7 76.3
18° Boncourt 1,185
1.6 77.9
19° La Baroche 1,126
1.5 79.4
20° Haute-Ajoie 1,073
1.5 80.9
21° Cornol 1,016
1.4 82.2
22° Boécourt 947
1.3 83.5
23° Courtedoux 735
1.0 84.5
24° Coeuve 731
1.0 85.5
25° Rossemaison 710
1.0 86.5
26° Lajoux (JU) 701
0.9 87.4
27° Bonfol 642
0.9 88.3
28° Bure 633
0.9 89.2
29° Montfaucon 564
0.8 89.9
30° Vendlincourt 559
0.8 90.7
31° Mervelier 538
0.7 91.4
32° Muriaux 525
0.7 92.1
33° Les Genevez (JU) 518
0.7 92.8
34° Châtillon (JU) 469
0.6 93.5
35° Soyhières 440
0.6 94.0
36° Courchapoix 439
0.6 94.6
37° Movelier 421
0.6 95.2
38° Grandfontaine 390
0.5 95.7
39° Pleigne 346
0.5 96.2
40° Fahy 340
0.5 96.7
41° Le Bémont (JU) 310
0.4 97.1
42° Courchavon 304
0.4 97.5
43° Saulcy 269
0.4 97.9
44° Bourrignon 265
0.4 98.2
45° Saint-Brais 222
0.3 98.5
46° Damphreux 185
0.3 98.8
47° Lugnez 184
0.2 99.0
48° Les Enfers 148
0.2 99.2
49° Soubey 129
0.2 99.4
50° Ederswiler 117
0.2 99.6
51° Beurnevésin 117
0.2 99.7
52° Mettembert 111
0.2 99.9
53° La Chaux-des-Breuleux 96
0.1 100.0
Total 73,798 100.0 -

Population: Fonte BFS