Province of District de delémont

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of DISTRICT DE DELÉMONT
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Delémont 12,479
31.9 31.9
Haute-Sorne 7,261
18.6 50.5
Courrendlin 3,728
9.5 60.0
Courroux 3,345
8.5 68.5
Val Terbi 3,229
8.3 76.8
Courtételle 2,652
6.8 83.6
Develier 1,359
3.5 87.0
Boécourt 947
2.4 89.5
Rossemaison 710
1.8 91.3
10° Mervelier 538
1.4 92.6
11° Châtillon (JU) 469
1.2 93.8
12° Soyhières 440
1.1 95.0
13° Courchapoix 439
1.1 96.1
14° Movelier 421
1.1 97.2
15° Pleigne 346
0.9 98.1
16° Saulcy 269
0.7 98.7
17° Bourrignon 265
0.7 99.4
18° Ederswiler 117
0.3 99.7
19° Mettembert 111
0.3 100.0
Total 39,125 100.0 -

Population: Fonte BFS