Province of Zwettl

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of ZWETTL
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Zwettl-Niederösterreich 10,722
25.7 25.7
Groß Gerungs 4,403
10.6 36.2
Schweiggers 2,034
4.9 41.1
Göpfritz an der Wild 1,788
4.3 45.4
Rappottenstein 1,745
4.2 49.6
Allentsteig 1,738
4.2 53.7
Langschlag 1,726
4.1 57.9
Arbesbach 1,590
3.8 61.7
Schwarzenau 1,492
3.6 65.3
10° Kottes-Purk 1,440
3.5 68.7
11° Großgöttfritz 1,358
3.3 72.0
12° Echsenbach 1,290
3.1 75.1
13° Sallingberg 1,261
3.0 78.1
14° Waldhausen 1,201
2.9 81.0
15° Martinsberg 1,093
2.6 83.6
16° Ottenschlag 1,016
2.4 86.0
17° Bad Traunstein 1,002
2.4 88.4
18° Pölla 916
2.2 90.6
19° Altmelon 863
2.1 92.7
20° Grafenschlag 839
2.0 94.7
21° Schönbach 754
1.8 96.5
22° Kirchschlag 631
1.5 98.0
23° Gutenbrunn 489
1.2 99.2
24° Bärnkopf 340
0.8 100.0
Total 41,731 100.0 -

Population: Fonte